
Image result for freight handler

Costly scale breakdowns, unreliability were factors discouraging a southern Ontario freight handler initially to say no to our forklift truck scale offering.

Furthermore, the company had a legal for trade floor scale for cross dock rescaling. Much to the chagrin of management this floor scale was seldom utilised and the extra revenue of inaccurate waybill weights was not corrected. The lift truck operators were unwilling to spend that extra time required to double handle freight at a fixed location floor scale. 

Administration was mainly concerned with bottom line profit i.e. optimising freight billing by correcting understated weights. Whereas the dock personnel were under time constraints to load trailers expediently, any extra time such as rescaling on their floor scale would clearly delay the cross docking operations. 

The company had experience with forklift scales but the legal-for-trade units available had reservations they listed. 

Traditional Lift Truck Certified Scales

  1. Too Expensive - costing up to $11,000 each
  2. Most service companies are reluctant or unable to service due to proprietary design or complexity to calibrate
  3. Frequently require service
  4. False carriage design down rated lift truck capacity

 Weigh Point was well familiar with those failing and assured the company that Weigh Point's LTFS system would beat all their concerns. Not only was the LTFS a fraction of the cost of the competition, calibration could be done within 15-20 mins, the system was rugged, and did not downrate the trucks capacity. 

The model LTFS was temporarily installed ( a 5 minute procedure ) on the company's lift truck and because it is pre-calibrated at the factory, the company ran trials immediately. 

The results were a resounding success, for both the Transport Company and Weigh Point.  

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